This is Naomi, which her mummy, Alexia, thought was the prettiest sounding name (I agree!) and luckily, it was not one of the ones on the list that her daddy, Lothar, vetoed. I was fortunate enough to be able to go to the Croftons' gorgeous home to capture Baby Naomi's first weeks with her parents and proud big brother, Benjamin.
Could all these different expressions be more delightful?
I originally met Alexia and Lothar when I photographed their wedding several years ago. Next, Alexia's sister arranged a secret shoot of Benjamin for surprise Christmas presents, and then last year, the sisters asked me to shoot Benjamin and his sweet young cousin, Taylor. So meeting the next addition was an honour and I can't wait to see how the children grow and change over the years.
Naomi's nursery was a collaboration of sorts. Alexia chose the colours, her mum found the bedding, and the stripes were the brainchild of Janice Burke of Eye4design. Alexia asked Janice to do something fun in the room and Janice, of course, surpassed the Croftons' expectations.
Benjamin is a great big brother. He is very gentle with Naomi (most of the time!) and now that he has started nursery, he likes to tell his baby sister how his day went and what he did.
Benjamin loves doing puzzles, and like most 2 year olds, must do it all by himself!
The Croftons have a fabulous family room where, once again, Alexia had only chosen the curtains and sofa, and gave eye4design complete artistic license. When Alexia returned home at the end of the day, she found the room completely transformed with lots of new furniture and the pattern of her curtains painted on the wall by Claire de St Croix.
Benjamin was such a cutie pop making the big climb onto his Mummy and Daddy's bed to see his new sister. And he was so nurturing giving her a little kiss when she wailed - my heart broke.
Congratulations on such a beautiful baby girl. Wishing you all the best and see you at the next shoot!
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