I met Tiff a long time ago. Nappies-and-no-hair-yet long ago. Our parents were BFFs which automatically made us BFFs from birth. She and I have been through so much together over the years, from sleepovers every night over the school holidays for our entire childhood, to traveling through South East Asia together, to her being a bridesmaid at my wedding and Oslo's Earth Mother. These days, we go over to her house to play with her chickens and admire her beautiful home. We've been through the ups and downs of life and even though we have always been so incredibly different in nature, it is our history that binds us together. I am sure that if it were not for Tiffany, then I would not have ever seen the opportunity to become close to many of my shyer friends today, for I would never had understood them if I hadn't learned to know Tiffany and her private, shy ways first.
Speaking of shyness, Tiffany needed some photos taken and said I was the only person in the world she felt comfortable enough with to take them. Of course, being the most private and humble person I know, she spent the entire shoot being utterly mortified by the attention focusing on her, but I tried my best to be amusing and make her feel at ease.
Tiff didn't have time to wait for a perfect day so she just came to my house and although it was a bit cloudy and dark, not to mention very wild and windy, that just added to the drama of the images. I was excited to try out this grassy patch at the bottom of my new garden and I have to say, I am rather thrilled with the look and feel of the stuff. ![]()
Love these and all that wind!
Tiffany is the public relations officer at The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS). It is one of the oldest marine labs in the world and is currently at the forefront of cutting edge solutions to environmental issues such as climate change. Tiff is the original tree hugger. She lives a true green lifestyle and is a strong animal rights advocate.
We decided to do a few indoor shots too, just in case there was ever a need for portraits with slightly less Medusa like hair!![]()
Oslo and Indigo were on hand for part of the shoot to help Tiffany relax, and as their bed time came and went, they launched into full melt down mode. Their shocking behaviour certainly helped Tiff forget that the attention was on her and she stopped hiding quite so much! My theory is you do whatever you need to do to get the shot, so if kids swinging from both my arms made Tiff forget I was taking photos, then I'm happy with that. Of course, it did make focusing a little tricky! I love this one of Oslo with his Earth Mama.
Thanks Tiff for asking me - I am honoured. You are beautiful and it was fun - a great shoot.
Jon is the man about town, and these days, not just in Bermuda, but in New York City as well. With a huge show of new works on the horizon for which he is working like mad, as well as juggling his busy Volcanic Productions business on the side, Jon must have his head spinning. But that is probably just what gives both his art, and his incredibly creative and well organised events their edge - because he is living on the edge.
He is the mastermind behind the epic Fright Night, which will be held this Friday at one of Bermuda's true historic gems, Fort Hamilton. With the dance party up above, and the haunted house running the gauntlet of the underground tunnels, it will be a night to remember. For more information, check out their facebook page and if you don't have your tickets yet, go to Bdatix.bm or to Jackson School of Dance.
With over a thousand people expected to attend the Friday night party, and several hundred children passing through the Haunted Playground last night and tonight, this is a massive scaled event for Bermuda. Proceeds of the children's event of the last two nights go to the Chewstick Foundation.
These images were shot in the Clown Room of the Haunted House and it really was a sight to be seen - the whole cavern of tunnels and rooms were wildly decorated with creeping crawlies and twisting tentacles that grab and snatch as you slither past. This room was verging on repulsive, and in so being, strangely alluring. Fabulous location for Jon's portraits and he played his part in rock start style.![]()
Of course, one always needs to do a traditional head shot, just in case, but luckily Jon slipped in his delicious look of Mr Suave, with a pinch of mischief. Love it! Thank you Jon, and your team for making the shoot such fun and being game for all my mad ideas - I hope it was worth it.
When Matt and Tracy became engaged, they knew that they wanted a small destination wedding. It was important to them that their family and friends have a holiday to remember, and also took some time out to enjoy life. They felt that their getting married would just be a bonus of the trip. The pair felt it was their way of saying thank you for all the love and support they have received over the years. Since Tracy's family are from Maine, and Matt's live in North Carolina, Bermuda wasn't too far to travel and of course the fact that it is the most beautiful place on earth didn't hurt either. The couple (plus Tracy's mum!) chose Elbow Beach from the photographs the wedding planner sent because it over looked the beach rather than actually being on the sand, which was better for Tracy's granny, for whom this trip was pretty special as she had never before left the States.
Tracy wanted a memorable entrance and thought it would be a special time for her father and her so she chose to arrive by horse and buggy, especially since they are not common where they live so she was excited to try something new.![]()
Tracy and Matthew came to Bermuda for a dream wedding on a tropical island with turquoise waters under swaying palm trees and burning sunshine. But in the moments after Tracy stepped out of her traditional horse and carriage and started her journey down the open air aisle towards her husband to be, the rain drops started to fall.
Nicola from Bermuda Bride swept in with an umbrella in the hopes that the rain fall would remain light enough for the couple to see the service through outside. But the dark cloud moved in fast and furious and, within moments, the entire wedding party and guests had to race under the reception tent to wait out the squall.
Although the rain was torrential, luckily it was also fast moving and minutes later, the sun spilled onto the wet terrace once more, and the most vibrant rainbow painted an arc across the eastern sky.![]()
Flowers were designed by Petals.![]()
When Tracy and her mother stopped at a dress shop near her home and when Tracy saw her dress on the rack, she knew it was the one. Her mum still laughs at her about it, for she picked the dress up and carried it around as though it were the only one in the world, and when she put it on, her mother knew it was the one too. The original dress had some fancy details to it, but Tracy likes to keep things simple so she had them all removed to make the dress more classic.![]()
Tracy did her own make up as she wanted to be sure she looked like herself on the day - just a little bit more glamourous. She had her hair done at the Newstead Belmont Hills.
Tracy's hairpin seemed to fit the dress and since Tracy knew she did not want a veil, it was the perfect replacement to add elegance and bride-iness.![]()
Tracy gave Matt some helpful hints about the type of engagement ring she hoped for, and he chose perfectly. They couple later went to choose wedding bands together.![]()
Tracy had found a photo of a cake that she loved on the Knot.com. She gave the image to the Lido and they created her dream cake to a tee. The brown ribbon was Tracy's own personal touch with both brought in her wedding colours, and complemented the flowers beautifully.![]()
Stephen Crawford played Wonderful World on the classical guitar for the couple's first dance.![]()
Tracy's best friend, Katie, insisted on a dance. The two often joke that they are like an old married couple since they spend so much time together. Katie said that she would be the man on the dancefloor and Tracy was even lucky enough to be dipped.![]()
Who would have imagined with the rain earlier that the two would have been blessed with such a spectacular sunset?![]()
Matt's groomsman, Tyson, gave a sweet speech at the start of the meal, which was greatly appreciated by the newly weds.![]()
This group really knew how to have a good time and breaking out the Cubans, which are legal in Bermuda, was all part of the celebration.![]()
Even though more rain squalls returned later that night, the friends and family were all having such an amazing time dancing that they barely noticed the torrents outside. The rain didn't bother the couple at all, for it was just a reminder that as long as they have each other, their family and friends, then the pair can handle anything, especially a little rain on their wedding day.