I met Tiff a long time ago. Nappies-and-no-hair-yet long ago. Our parents were BFFs which automatically made us BFFs from birth. She and I have been through so much together over the years, from sleepovers every night over the school holidays for our entire childhood, to traveling through South East Asia together, to her being a bridesmaid at my wedding and Oslo's Earth Mother. These days, we go over to her house to play with her chickens and admire her beautiful home. We've been through the ups and downs of life and even though we have always been so incredibly different in nature, it is our history that binds us together. I am sure that if it were not for Tiffany, then I would not have ever seen the opportunity to become close to many of my shyer friends today, for I would never had understood them if I hadn't learned to know Tiffany and her private, shy ways first.
Speaking of shyness, Tiffany needed some photos taken and said I was the only person in the world she felt comfortable enough with to take them. Of course, being the most private and humble person I know, she spent the entire shoot being utterly mortified by the attention focusing on her, but I tried my best to be amusing and make her feel at ease.
Tiff didn't have time to wait for a perfect day so she just came to my house and although it was a bit cloudy and dark, not to mention very wild and windy, that just added to the drama of the images. I was excited to try out this grassy patch at the bottom of my new garden and I have to say, I am rather thrilled with the look and feel of the stuff.
Love these and all that wind!
Tiffany is the public relations officer at The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS). It is one of the oldest marine labs in the world and is currently at the forefront of cutting edge solutions to environmental issues such as climate change. Tiff is the original tree hugger. She lives a true green lifestyle and is a strong animal rights advocate.
We decided to do a few indoor shots too, just in case there was ever a need for portraits with slightly less Medusa like hair!
Oslo and Indigo were on hand for part of the shoot to help Tiffany relax, and as their bed time came and went, they launched into full melt down mode. Their shocking behaviour certainly helped Tiff forget that the attention was on her and she stopped hiding quite so much! My theory is you do whatever you need to do to get the shot, so if kids swinging from both my arms made Tiff forget I was taking photos, then I'm happy with that. Of course, it did make focusing a little tricky! I love this one of Oslo with his Earth Mama.
Thanks Tiff for asking me - I am honoured. You are beautiful and it was fun - a great shoot.
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