Monday, 28 June 2010
Fischli Family

The Fischlis are a beautiful fun loving family from South Africa. They love the beautiful azure sea and pink beaches of Bermuda so although we shot the family at the beach last year, they decided to shoot at another beach which has meaning to them. Frick's Point is called Monkey Tail Beach by the girls as a result of all the Norfolk Pine that over hang the entrance to the beach. When the needles fall to the ground and turn brown, they look like monkey tails and the children adore to collect them in the winter after a storm. The family love to walk or cycle to the beach and have enjoyed many happy memories.

Caiti and Gemma are such darlings. I have known them for years since Caiti was in play group with Oslo, and now Gemma and Indigo are together in the same play group. They are sweet and snugly and great friends - such a blessing to have a sibling.