For the man who seemed impossible to buy for, Tania finally thought of the perfect gift for Nathan. As a combined birthday and 8th anniversary present, Tania opted for some dreamy boudoir shots to be taken, and then be printed in a custom designed photobook. She insisted she was just the girl next door, but I have to say, looking at these photos, I beg to differ. She was a joy to work with and trusted me to capture her vision. I may have gone off track from the girl next door, but I think the result is just heavenly - isn't she utterly classic and beautiful?
Tania actually used to body build and competed in Fitness and Figure here in Bermuda, which is where previous blog post athlete, Ryall Graber, started competing, but for the moment, Tania is taking some time off from the intense training to enjoy mummyhood with her darling little girl. But Tania tells me watch this space!
Wow - stunning shots of a stunning lady