So while
our nanny Christine is away, I rarely have more than a few snippets of time here and there to work - enough to do a cute blog post on my children (obviously!), but not enough to do the full shebang for a wedding or portrait session, though do stay tuned for a really fabulous post from my New Year's Eve wedding which will be on here in the next couple days. So to tide you over, I wanted to share a sweet story by someone whom I "met" through my new network of
i heart faces friends. I am excited to say that they liked my textures
pic of Indigo on the floor - although not in the guest judge's top 10, it was picked as a fave by the two photographers who run the website out of 639 entries so I am very flattered and pleased since it was only my second attempt.
One blogging mum left a lovely and encouraging note on Indigo's photo, so I in turn went to her see who she was on her blog, and next think I knew, I was swept up in her life - the world of blogging is a strange one, but amazing at the same time. Anyway, this post particularly hit home and reminded me of how Oslo corrects me still every night, insisting that we need to pray for Haiti first, before we do our own thankful time.
here to read about her loving and generous boy, Kaishon.
And because all photographer's posts need images to help tell the story, here is Oslo and his friend, Will, presenting the Bermuda Red Cross with their school's donations for Haiti.
Oh, I love this! Your son is ADORABLE too! Thank you so much for your sweet link! My son, Kaishon, is truly the light of my life. And I so agree with you! Isn't it amazing how much they teach us... Just so much! Thank you again. Can't wait to see your I Heart Faces post for this week! It is going to be your favorite places.