Today Olso asked me about a dear friend of ours and if she was married. I told him that sadly, she just hadn't met the right person to marry yet. I told him how lucky I was to have met Daddy and that when we met, we just knew we had to get married but it was rare and that we were very fortunate to have found each other.
So Oslo told me that he was lucky too, for he had met Skyla and that they too would marry one day. My heart melted into a gooey mess that spilled through every vein in my body. What a love he is. Skyla is the daughter of my bestest best friend in the world. Skyla and Oslo are kindred spirits. They have a connection that I have not seen my sweet boy have with anyone else. They have a mutual respect for each other that is totally untaught by us parents, but completely natural to them. Who knows if it will last, or if it will ever develop into something more when they are grown, but just knowing how he loves her so now, and that he feels so deeply for her alone, despite seeing her so rarely, just makes me more happy than I can say.
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