I also no longer have anyone's email addresses, nor any previous correspondence with clients to refer back to. Not to mention I really want to send out an email to all my workshop clients to let them know where to go and what to bring next weekend, and I cannot as I have lost all their details.
All a bit of a disaster really, piled up on top of already being insanely behind since Christine went away, the new puppy keeping us up ALL night, kids off school for half term, trying to prepare for my workshop, and of course bringing in all the outdoor stuff and battening down the hatches in anticipation of the hurricane force winds that will be with us later today through tomorrow.
So as you can imagine, I am in a bit of a tizz. Please send happy computer fixing, puppy training, nanny returning, catching up soon, weathering the storm safely energy my way and I am trusting that all will be fine!!!
And since I prefer photos in a blog post, thought I would attach a couple of Indigo a couple months ago, and Oslo when he was just a wee baby. Just to give you an idea of how I am feeling right now.
Sweetest girls ever : ) Awwwwwwwwwwwwww.