Tim and Liz wanted to capture the fun the family has living in Bermuda, and as a gift for Tim's father's 80th birthday. They know how lucky they are that their children are growing up in such a fabulous environment and what a wonderful childhood they are having - how childhoods should be. They love to have a photo each year to capture how the boys have changed. Liz thinks of when the boys will be older and doing their own thing, then she will be able to sit in her comfortable chair and gaze at the wall with the photos from these times, and always keep the memories alive, no matter what happens in the future.

Alexander will be seven in June. He is a sweet, kind, helpful, caring boy who loves every kind of sport, be it running, cycling, football, cricket, rugby, sailing, swimming, t-ball... the list goes on. He is also a bookworm and adores his bedtime stories. And on top of all this, he is also a wonderful big brother, always helping to build train tracks, race tracks and any other kind of track out there.

Nicholas, who will be turning three in June, is a little character and has been from moment one. He is the snuggle muffin in the family and loves hugs and kisses, and his smile lights up the world for his mama and papa. They call him Tricky Nicky, though they do not divulge why.... He adores his big brother and wants to do every single thing that Alex does. When not learning from his big brother, he loves driving diggers, playing dress up and singing Pff the Magic Dragon at the top of his voice a a hundred times over.

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