This is Jonah and he has the most beautiful copper coloured hair I have ever seen. Apparently, when he was only a couple of months old, his hair grew in a fiery red hue (it has lightened now) and peaked into a Mohawk. Passers by would ask Mary-Ann and Nik what they had done to their baby's hair, but it was all natural in colour and style - lucky Jonah! Now that he is one, his Mohawk has tumbled into sweet soft waves and his colouring is just divine.
Mary-Ann and Nik met eight years ago and were married here on the Island. When they had Jonah, they gave him the middle name of Somers as a tribute to their life in Bermuda.
Monkeys are a theme for Jonah. His parents call him Monkey, and his favourite toy which he loves loves loves is a monkey. When he was younger, his parents took him to the zoo and teased that one of the Tamarind monkeys would steal him away for he was about the same size and colouring.
Poor little Jonah was not feeling his best for the shoot and towards the end, we finally realised why. He gnawed on his Mummy's finger and that eased his teething pain - poor little monkey!!
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