The Valentines moved to Bermuda when their youngest, Clara, was only 9 months old, and Hannah was 2, so both children have a memory of Bermuda as their only home. Grant and Corinna feel it is a great place to raise their children, and with Corinna as the working parent, the girls are lucky to have Grant at home with them and having lots of fun.
This is my fave shot of the whole shoot, even though it was one of the last ones I snapped. The girls had found these shells and were sharing them with each other so sweetly.
Hannah, who is now a very tall six, is a tomboy, extremely sensible and looks out for her little sister. She loves school, is fiercely independent and will happily go and explore on her own and is rarely scared.
Clara is the girlie girl. At four, she is quite sure she will be a princess when she grows up. She is a social butterfly, quickly finding friends and charming everybody. Having recently started big school, she comes home with stories of how much work all her boyfriends are. Despite this social ease, Clara loves staying at home with her family and would happily never go to school given the choice.
I loved this - I was trying to capture what fun it is to splash in the water and enjoy Bermuda for all it has to offer, and poor Hannah really had had enough. She was not impressed that her clothes became soaked when a huge wave splashed in.
For posterity, I captured her sweet large tears as they rolled down her cheeks.
may need to click on this series to see the pics big.
At the very end of the shoot, just as we were about to get in our cars, the sun finally came out. I was so desperate to capture at least one sunny image of the family, but at that stage, the girls really were cooked and had no intention of sitting where I asked. But luckily, Corinna and Grant were still up for a snuggly image of the two of them basking in the sun.
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