After 9 blissful years in Bermuda, where Chris and Lori started their married life together and then their family with Sloane 2 years ago, the three are thinking of heading back home to Canada. The call of extended family is strong for Lori although Chris thinks she is mad to want to give up the weather and Island lifestyle here for the chilly north. But Lori dreams of having her own place to design and build, and potentially go back to work when Sloane is a bit older.
This shoot was a leaving present from a co-worker - when Lori finished her accountancy job (Chris is an accountant too but they are proof that you can still be fun after playing with numbers all day!), she was given a gift certificate for a session with me, which was perfect given the family are now considering leaving Bermuda.
how hilarious are Sloane's yellow painted toenails?
one of my faves... sweet daddy kisses can't be beat.
Sloane and the sun definitely grew more off colour as the shoot progressed. The skies darkened, Sloane became teary, and obviously the weather was out of my control, but I also struggled with ideas on how to cheer her up - something for which I am rarely am at a loss.
Lori and Chris decided to take matters in their own hands and the results were spontaneous, real-life moments that captured the fun that the Cassidys have as a family. In retrospect, I was grateful for the opportunity to push myself creatively with them racing about to entertain her and while the light was low and focusing was a challenge, I think this series of images is so wonderful and true to life.
Sloane is mad about animals. All the neighbourhood cats and dogs go to her house to visit her and at only 2, she is able to catch frogs, and even lizards sometimes! Winder what she will catch when she moves back to Canada.
Although Sloane adores the beach life of Bermuda, she is excited to go home to Canada for Christmas to see her grandfather on his farm and play with all her cousins and of course make Frosty the Snowman outside (with a hot chocolate and lots of floaty marshmallows to follow, of course!).
Sloane really had had enough when it started to sprinkle, and I was a little gutted too that these would be the leaving Bermuda images for the family. But there are tender moments shared by a family her, and these are worth so much more than a perfect sunny day.
These last three images are my faves of the day...
...especially these two of Sloane's darling curls... oh how I adore curls...
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