The Langley's were given a gift certificate for their shoot so they decided to have a combination of a few shots at home, and then go on to Tom Moore's jungle for some outdoorsy lifestyle shots. I photographed Daina and Clive's wedding a few years ago and to this day, it is still one of my favourites I have shot. In fact, one of my happy accident faves were captured at their wedding and I adore adore the blurred image of the two dancing under the full moon. I am always thrilled (and flattered) to be given the opportunity to capture the next phase of a couple's life so I was touched when Daina's mum contacted me for the certificate.
Jackson is 14 months and is all boy. He loves his cars, his trucks, and his Daddy!
... and his Mummy too.
Jackson was a little wary of me in the beginning as I was a stranger, but slowly warmed to me.
Although the Langleys live only minutes away from Tom Moore's, this was their first time to walk through the jungle. They were quite smitten with the winding paths, over hanging trees, deep turquoise ponds and crystal caves so intend to make many more happy family memories spending time in their local park!
Jackson's first words, after Mumma and Dadda, were "Oh wow!" and "bbrrrrmmmm"(like a car) - too cute!
Poor Jackson was a bit blue for much of the shoot so he was flung about a lot more than the average client in order to keep him entertained. Thank goodness he is a bit of a G-force kid anyway since it always makes for fun shooting.
When it came time for a wardrobe change, Jackson really had had enough. Or perhaps a green dino raincoat wasn't in keeping with his tastes.
The next day, two teeth broke through the skin so his parents realised why he had been so teary that day - poor little sausage! I was just grateful to hear that is wasn't the sight of me sending him into tears - that really would have been upsetting!
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