Iris and Chad were married 3 weeks before moving to Bermuda and have spent the last 8 years falling more in love with the Island all the time, especially since having children. They are both chartered accountants but Iris became a stay at home mum when their son was born and is loving every minute with Rylan, who is now 2 1/2, and baby Taryn, who is nine months.
Iris just loves the age of her children right now and many days, she longs to stop time becasue she doesn't want them to change so she thought this would be a great time to capture some images of them and the whole family. If you saw my post about Oslo's 5th birthday, you will know that I struggle with this the whole time and this is one of the reasons I feel so blessed to have the job I do. I can capture moments of time for families to savour for the rest of their lives. I often find the further away from the moment a photograph was taken, the more sentimental the image becomes to me. Strange and amazing and wonderful. I love photographs.
Rylan is the sweetest and most gentle of boys and adores his little sister. He is always watching out for her and trying to help out if she cries. Although he is sensitive, he is all boy when it comes to running, jumping, trucks and tractors. When the family goes home to the family's cattle farm in the summers, Rylan has the time of his life riding in the tractor with his uncle, feasting from the home garden, and seeing all the farm animals in real life.
These nasty little grass sticker burr things are everywhere at the moment. Kudos to the evolution of spreading its seed, for they stick to everything, including sweet little tender baby feet. Rylan was a trooper when he stood on one, though he was a bit wary of walking anywhere near the grass again.
Taryn was so close to walking at the time of our shoot. She is the classic second child - no trouble and enjoys just sitting back and watching her older sibling run circles around her. But now, at last, she is more mobile and can finally follow him around by crawling and even managing a dozen or so steps on her own before plopping back down and resorting back to the less challenging task of crawling.
This shot below is one of my favourites ever. A happy accident and I am not sure my clients will appreciate it as much as I do, but I think it is just extraordinary - it captures the meaning of family in such an abstract, yet dreamy way, and the feeling of the sun beating down in the image so strong and the particular family transcending time to epitomise the togetherness felt by generations past and present.
Have you ever seen such delicious thighs in your life? And such scrumptious knees. Oh the delectableness of babyhood. Yum yum.
Speaking of yum - Taryn thought the sand was just the tastiest thing ever...
...and another handful of the heavenly stuff shoveled in her mouth... what her nappy must have been like the next day I dread to think!
I'm right with you on the abstract family picture. I think the green orb just makes it even more special.