This is Caroline's darling sister, Sarah. I have a soft spot for Sarah as she reminds me so much of how I used to be when I was so keen to be older like my sister and always wanted to be able to be included in all the big girl fun. And Caroline is so lovely with Sarah and I just think of how much closer they will grow to each other with every year. Love the relationship that sisters have. Siblings are the only true life partners and there is a lot of weight in that and they are so lucky to have each other.

So when Jen said that it was supposed to be fun, I don't think she counted on me insisting that the girls traipse through a jungle...

... particularly one that was heavily populated with web upon web of hurricane spiders - good thing a storm wasn't coming or we would have been walking through the low hanging webs rather than under them.

But at the other side of the wood was a lovely clearing with trees and flowers and so very worth it.

These four are all God sisters. Their mums have been bffs themselves their entire lives and now their kids are thick as thieves too. Even though they only see each other once a year, they pick up right where they left off - just such a wonderful cycle of life.

Too beautiful Sacha - gorgeous girls with a gorgeous bond that you captured perfectly! Loads of love, Sarah xxx