Monday, 16 August 2010

Indigo is Four

My baby girl is four today. I have mixed emotions as three was just the cutest age ever and I am broken hearted to be leaving such a heavenly time behind, but then what is in store with this sweet little angel could be even better in the future. Life is so rich and our lives so blessed to have Indigo a part of it. She is full of fun and generosity. She is always happy - not just in herself, but for everyone around her. At night when we do our thankful time in bed, she is always thankful that she loves me, and tells me that she is thankful I have beautiful hair and pretty eyes. She is of course also thankful that she went on playdates and had treats each day, but it is just being together for which she is most appreciative and that comes out of her loving and giving nature - don't even think we can take credit for it as much as I would adore to toot our parenting skills' horn! So thank YOU baby girl, for tugging so hard on my heart strings that I am sure they will break. Thank you for always reminding me how big your love is - that it is spilling all the way from your car seat onto me in the front while I drive, that it is overflowing off the earth, out of sky and into the stars, that is is bubbling up and there is just no room to hold all the love you have. But there is room my darling - I hold all that love you give in my heart, and I hope you feel my love spilling right back into you. Happy birthday Indigo. I love you.

I have been working insanely hard these last 5 or 6 years since having had children and anyone who knows me knows that I have not really had time to be as mumsy as I would have liked. But with my mid life crisis I had when Oslo turned 5, and now Indigo turning 4 and so it is going into mid life crisis hyper drive, I am turning over a new leaf. I have promised my family to pull back on work and my present to them will be to be a more present mummy. So I had a sweet little tea party for Indigo on Sunday just for our family and made everything lovely and tasty - a perfect combination.

This kids couldn't wait for everyone to arrive so they could tuck into the goodies that the idea of getting dressed was very low on the priority list!

Delicious gluten free brownies with lots of flaxseed, yoghurt and other healthy things hidden inside all tucked into cute heart shapes so the kids don't question the content!

Their Auntie Amanda cut open the kiwis and showed Indigo that anything can be a birfday cake if it has a candle in it. Indigo is wearing her pwincess dwess that we gave her for her birfday, and a necklace I bought for shoots - such delightful shades of green - heaven.

And Oslo showed Auntie Amanda the best way to eat a kiwi.

I helped Indigo eat her delightful treats and pour the three different tea samples - Linden, Peppermint and decaf Earl Grey - all the better when sipped from antique tea cups!

And here are a few more in another pwincess dwess.

And of course she is not only a pwincess, but also a fehhhweeee! Little flutterbug, how we love you so.

Happy day sweet girl, for that is what you bring me everyday. xx


  1. LOOOOOOVEEEEEEEE this! Love the imagery, love composition, love that you bake your kids brownies with flax seed. But, most especially, I love the sense of joy & love that oozes from every photo! That photo of Indigo on the bed is pure heaven! Your children are very fortunate to have such a talented mommy who loves so purely with her wonderful big heart! xo Christine

  2. So special that you took the time to do this Sacha. It is lovely to read.
    Love mel

  3. If you ever get tired of taking pictures, you can surely write. You have an amazing gift of making tear up at whatever you write. So talented. Happy Birthday, Indigo!
    Love, Pam and Evelyn...

  4. Just beautiful! You make me cry, Sacha!

    Kathy Cervino (Luca's mum)

  5. Wonderful pictures and words!
    Thanx for sharing.
    Greetings from Arnhem, The Netherlands


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