Tristan loves to babble away and it will be interesting to hear what his first words are since his parents speak both French and English to him - lucky boy being bilingual.

Tristan is eleven months old and growing so quickly. All that hair just is so delicious and apparently he had loads already at birth. So jealous considering ours were bald as buttons for quite some time. There is something about a baby with a full head of hair - makes them seem older than they are. Tristan's toy, Woof Woof, is his first and only stuffed animal that he really cares about and his face lights up when he sees him.

This was Tristan's first time down the big kids' slide and he loved it!

He loves the swing and when his daddy twisted the chain, and then it unwound and spun him around, he arched his body and neck out to get as much out of the g-forces as possible - oh watch out Sophi and Nick - looks like you have an adrenalin junkie on your hands!

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