And this is Rocco - isn't that the best name and does it not suit this little boy to a tee - he is all boy to the point of almost being manly - so adorable!

Matthew was always on the move. He is such a busy boy and loves loves his cars and trucks so capturing him on his little vehicle just made sense.

Love this wagon - it is such a great design and just the best toy for all the cousins to play in.

I love this bamboo forest at the Botanical Gardens. Although it was a grey day, I think it just makes the images moody and cool.

And of course the dinosaur tree (I am sure there is an official name - or even a locally known one - this is just what we call it in my family since it is covered in spikes and is so so massive!). Lots of fun, or not, playing peek a boo!

Gramma is absolutely thrilled! My best birthday present EVER.